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Bugatti Empire – Construction Kit (Included Midi Files)

One Sunday in May, many countries celebrate mother’s day in order to thank their mothers for all the hard work and effort they put in the education of everyone of us. This special occasion will occur this Sunday. So we take the opportunity to thank our mothers with a very Building Radar like article. For mother’s day Building Radar wants to allude to all mothers and how they have been an inspiration to several architects. The constructions in this articles have been directly or indirectly been inspired by the architects mothers.

This home tries to blend in its environment while taking a unique turn on geometrical conventions. The idea arose from Marc Koehler’s mother. The original intent for the house’s construction was a gift for her. In the end of the project, she kept the house. It was called the House in House because of the separate entrance to the office space giving a twofold appearance and function to the house. The layout of the house is a result of a combination of three enclosed volumes and the common spaces in between them.

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